Fall Wood Fire - Class & Firing
Basic understanding of ceramics is required with experience in either hand building or throwing
Ideal for those needing instruction and access to facilities.
Tuesday, 6-9pm, September 17-November 5 - 8 class meetings
Loading November 8-11. All work must be brought to the kiln by the morning of Friday November 8
Firing November 12-20/ Unload Sun 12/1 / Clean-up day 12/7
Instructor: Kayla Noble, Wood Fire artist in residence
$370 for members / $385 for non-members
MEMBERS: Add Coupon Code "Member15" to receive your $15 discount
The class explores the nuanced, demanding, and rewarding practice of wood-firing ceramics. Students will deepen their understanding of the materials used in this process to explore new ideas and possibilities in their work. Conversation will cover technical, formal, and material considerations necessary in crafting work for the wood kiln- such as clay body choices, surface treatments, and various building strategies. We will discuss kiln mechanics, loading and firing, unloading, and cleaning the wares.
Our journey will culminate in a week-long wood-firing in an Anagama-style kiln. Students will learn different stoking patterns, how to control the kiln, manage the coal bed, and effectively work as a team to fire a wood kiln.
Leading up to the firing, students will spend approximately 10- 15 hours working at scheduled preparation days outside of class time- tasks include splitting wood, stacking wood, and other activities necessary to prepare for a firing of this magnitude.
Students take an active role in firing the kiln by working 3-4 six-hour stoking shifts throughout the firing. The firing is approximately 200-hours scheduled for eight days. The firing may conclude earlier.
Participants will work as a cooperative community striving for a shared experience of learning with a precedent placed on safety and communication.
The wood kiln is located outside at a remote site, approximately 8 miles outside of town. Students should be prepared to fire in all weather conditions and are responsible for transportation to and from the kiln.
Included in class
- First bag of clay
- All firing fees for work created in ALL classes are included in the class fee
- access to work in studio outside of class meeting time.
Access outside of class time will be restricted to business hours when other classes and programs are not in session in the classroom, plus additional monitored times. Your instructor will orient you on how to reserve open studio access on the first day of class.
We ask that students comply with all of our health and safety guidelines. A student waiver will be issued during the first class meeting with the most up-to-date guidance.