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Private Tutoring

Supplemental tutoring for active students or members who need aide during their ceramic journey.


Facilitated by our resident artists.

Supplemental Tutoring For Students and Members

2 Hour Session Minimum


     *Firing Fees Apply

     *All Materials Fees Apply

Be tutored by a resident artist to learn different techniques or be walked through something that challenges you one-on-one. Private lessons must be initially arranged through the Clay Studio of Missoula Office, and after the first lesson, future lessons may be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor.


Students who receive private tutoring must be members or active students enrolled in a class. Private students must already be familiar with and be able to follow all studio policies. Private tutoring fees do not include clay or materials. Firing fees apply.


Please book tutoring knowing what specific methods or techniques you desire aide with, so the resident artist can offer specific help to improve your developing skills.


For current rates and instructor availability, email Kelly Seitz (preferred) to receive up to date forms and policies, or call the studio office and ask to speak with Kelly.

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