Youth age 13 and up, here's a chance to learn or perfect your technique on the potter's wheel! Learn to throw the basics from one of our amazing artists in residence!
Come make some minis! These dioramas are all about capturing favorite summer moments and activities. Learn some sculpting techniques and have some great fun together as a family!
A unique date night you'll never forget! Bring a partner, or even a family member or friend and get a special one-night introduction to the potter's wheel! Join us and make your next date creative!
For youth 8-10 years of age and up who are interested in animals and sculpture! Includes an exclusive visit with the Animal Wonders team and their amazing exotics! Learn what makes animals suited for their environment, and invent adapted animals of your own!
Come give the potter's wheel a try without having to commit to a full class. These special one-day workshops allow you to try or practice the basic techniques with an instructor to walk you through it! Great for beginners with no experience or guided practice for those early in their pottery journey.
Create wall pockets to provide artful storage in your home! Learn to make a strong hanging pocket to become a home to a houseplant or to store small objects around your home!
Support Clay Studio of Missoula Outreach!

The Clay Studio of Missoula can be found at several events this summer.
In July, we will have our activity booth at Out to Lunch in Caras Park on July 20! Visit us to make a fun raw clay project!
We will also be part of the Missoula Paddleheads Community Corner, and will be selling 50/50 tickets at the game on July 21!
If you are interested in volunteering for either event, email Kelly Seitz at